Several years ago, a hipster-to-be groggily stumbled out of her apartment in her nightshirt and walked, pant-less, to work at her coffee stand. Fortunately, a trend broke out. Unfortunately, now we have to address an urgent semantic issue: are these t-shirts or dresses? Or are they still considered nightgowns without the silky parts?

(Yes, that’s Marc Jacob’s, bitch.) Personally, I don’t want the luxury of my nightgown compromised by fashionable rock stars. On the other hand, the whole not-wearing-pants thing cuts down on “time spent dressing for work” and on laundry, and I’m for that. I’m thinking of making ‘BF’ t-shirts to sell at shows, but I might bag the idea in favor of the fashionable nightgown.

(YELLE plays this Sunday in Portland, and I think I’m going.) If nightshirtdresses were NOT an accident, it seems in keeping with the pattern of exaggerated variations of the normal trends as an excuse for ingenuity. Take, for example, the DEEP V-neck tee.

(Please note artistically symmetrical hair.) And, God help us, the DEEPER V-neck tee. Baristas at my coffee shop have taken a liking to these, their dancing skeleton chest-tattoo peeking through the hairs that drop into my coffee cup.

This concludes my blog on fashion.